Changing the Game on How We Talk About



Meliah is living proof that we don’t have to simply play the cards we were dealt.

We have the power to use them to win the game.

Meliah Jefferson is a top-level attorney, spokesperson, motivational speaker and heart attack survivor who uses her experiences with personal tragedy as the very foundation on which she built a life - and legacy - of purpose.

By getting crystal clear on who she was and what she wanted at a very early age, Meliah has established herself as an authority on resilience while simultaneously using the power of her own story as a platform for empowering people around the world to build the lives they dream of regardless of the cards they were dealt.


Despite breaking barriers by becoming the first black partner at one of South Carolina’s most distinguished law firms and ranking among the most reputable attorneys in the country, Meliah’s journey was never about achieving success in the practice of law, or the money. Instead, it was about making a difference and influencing the next generation of attorneys to do the same. Now she’s putting her skills and life lessons to use in helping others become more effective leaders building more effective teams.


Meliah consistently delivers moving and inspirational talks that empower attendees to reevaluate their priorities, eliminate anything that no longer serves, and shift their mindsets to ones of confidence and resilience. Whether speaking to individuals or to corporations, Meliah is changing the game on how we talk about resilience.


As a child, Meliah lost her mother and grandmother in a car crash, but Meliah was found in the wreckage with barely a scratch. Just 30 years later, she survived a widow maker heart attack, proving what she had long suspected; that her story was meant to be shared with the world to create change. A former national spokesperson for the American Heart Association, Meliah is on a mission to teach the world by example that we can ALL thrive in the face of adversity.


Kind Words from Past Clients

“Meliah is a trusted voice in her profession and community because of her ability to deliver calm, steadfast advice and leadership in the face of adversity. She is an incredibly talented speaker and advocate, who not only fights for the rights of others, but empowers individuals to fight for and believe in themselves.”

Maggie Moore Basu, VP & Fiduciary Tax Manager with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.


“Meliah is a dynamic keynote speaker who is able to convey her incredible story of survival in a way that leaves her audiences inspired to be more focused, purposeful, and impactful in their own lives and in the lives of others.”

Emily Dymski, Marketing Director with Gabriel Builders Inc.


“Meliah guided me through the early stages of my career, when I was a new law school graduate moving across the country. She transformed my career trajectory by helping me recognize that I did not need to force myself into the preset boxes of traditional law practice or give up on my hopes of having a multi-faceted career. She met with me, learned about my goals, and helped me chart a path to achieve them. Whenever I felt discouraged, she encouraged me and reminded me of my value, not only as a professional but as a human being. She uplifts and empowers me like no other mentor I've ever had. Every person -- and especially every woman -- deserves a Meliah in their life.”  

Dr. Brittany Arsiniega, Assistant Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Furman University and Attorney

Featured in Woman's Day, Ebony, USA Today, and Super Lawyers, Meliah Jefferson is a nationally recognized attorney, spokesperson, motivational speaker, and heart attack survivor who uses her remarkable life experiences as the foundation on which she has built a life- and legacy of purpose.